Effects of slot loading on microstrip patch antennas

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A Microstrip patch antenna having slotted sides with small capacitive feed has studied and discussed here. Slots on the proposed patch can be used to increase the bandwidth of antenna. It has observed that VSWR bandwidth nearly 45% can be easily achieved with the novel patch. A constant radiation pattern with improved

A dual-frequency compact microstrip patch antenna use the rectangular microstrip patch loaded with one shorting pin. Other dual-frequency antennas with square slot or rectangular slot loading are reported by Chen [1998] and Gaa and Li [1999a]. To satisfy specific requirements of various practical applica- tions, more research results on the dual-frequency microstrip antennas are still required. ENHANCEMENT OF BANDWIDTH AND GAIN OF A RECTANGULAR MICROSTRIP ... In this project, method of moments based IE3D software is used to design a Microstrip Patch Antenna with enhanced gain. The aim of the project is to design a rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna with enhanced gain and bandwidth and study the effect of antenna dimensions Length (L), Width (W) and substrate parameters relative Dielectric constant ... An Introduction of Aperture Coupled Microstrip Slot Antenna

Slot antennas are easier to make and modify, though patch antennas can be nearly as cheaply made using printed circuit board production lines. Slot antennas can send much more powerful signals. You can build a slot antenna into a structure and put it somewhere others may not know it is. The Pros and Cons of Slot Antennas

Integrated Waveguide Cavity-Backed E-Shaped Patch Antenna”, IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation , vol.12,2013 [6] S. Bhunia,” Effects of Slot Loading on Microstrip Patch Antennas”, International Journal of Wired and Wireless Communications Vol.1, Issue 1, October, 2012 Broadband Microstrip Patch Antenna using Slot etc. It is well known that the major drawback of a microstrip antenna is its narrow bandwidth [2]. One of the popular techniques for broadening the patch antenna bandwidth is to incorporate U-slot on its surface [1]. In this communication [4] a microstrip patch antenna using dual U-slot with broad bandwidth (>37%) is proposed.

Effects of Using Different Substrates on the Performance of ...

PDF | This study presents the theoretical and experimental investigation on the effect of rectangular slot on resonance frequency, return loss and band widths of  ... Effects of Slot Loading on Microstrip Patch Antennas - CiteSeerX Oct 1, 2012 ... Effects of Slot Loading on Microstrip Patch. Antennas. S. Bhunia. Dept. of ECE, Haldia Institute of Technology,. Haldia, Purba Medinipur, West ...

Microstrip patch miniaturization by slots loading - IEEE ...

Broadband Microstrip Patch Antenna using Slot

A dual-band microstrip patch antenna was designed using genetic ... Multiport analysis was used to determine the effects of the slots or pins on the input impedance, and thus assign fitness values to each of the antennas [4]. Genetic algorithms can also be used to change the shape of the patch itself and thus optimize the

The Parametric Study and Fine-Tuning of Bow-Tie Slot... A printed Bow-Tie slot antenna with loaded stub is proposed and the effects of changing the dimensions of the slot area, the stub and load sizes are considered inLow profile patch antennas such as microstrip and printed slot antenna meet these requirements. Band and Dual Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna microstrip patch 4.1 Basic dual frequency patch 4.2(a) Effect of changing the spur length l on the Return Loss.The fringing fields along the width can be modeled as radiating slots and electrically the patch of the microstrip antenna looks greater than its physical... Analysis of L-Slot Loaded Rectangular Patch Antenna When a patch antenna is loaded with reactive elements such as slots, stubs or shorting pin, it gives tunable or dual frequency antenna characteristics [5]. A rigorous solution to the problem of a rectangular microstrip antenna which is the most widely used configuration... Microstrip Antennas: The Patch Antenna